7-02/120.10 Fueling Vehicles

Transportation Bureau personnel driving Bureau vehicles shall refuel their vehicles at Transportation Bureau prior to the end of their shift, if the fuel indicator reading registers under 3/4 full. If the fuel gauge is not operative, the Driver shall refuel the vehicle.

Drivers shall not leave their vehicles parked at Transportation Bureau with anything less than a 3/4 full fuel tank without obtaining permission to do so from the Watch Sergeant prior to going off duty.

Except in an emergency, Transportation Bureau vehicles are not to be fueled with inmates/passengers aboard the vehicle. In rare instances, when the Driver is unable to refuel the vehicle during regular work hours, the Driver shall notify the Watch Sergeant who will note on the Mobile Digital Terminal Log and/or Trip Ticket that the vehicle was not refueled, state the reason(s) and sign his name.

Except in cases of emergency response or when assigned to a Statewide Crew, overtime shall not be granted for refueling vehicles.

When filling the fuel tank on a diesel bus, stop when the nozzle clicks off. Do not try to top off the tank, it will overflow onto the driveway and/or parking area when the vehicle is parked causing a safety hazard. If fuel is spilled around the fuel pumps or overflows when the vehicle is parked, grease sweep or some similar absorbent shall be applied to soak up the spill.