When security personnel are required to drive a County vehicle, they shall utilize the Bureau designation of their duty assignment, plus an additional number and the phonetic designator “X-Ray” (administrative) to identify individual units.
Security personnel are required to utilize the proper radio codes (10-8, 10-7) when reporting on or off duty in a County vehicle and to adhere to all radio communication rules set forth in the Manual of Policy and Procedures.
Security personnel are authorized to drive Department vehicles when required by their assignment and approved by the proper Divisional authority. Security personnel may drive emergency equipped vehicles only when the vehicle is displaying a sign indicating that the vehicle is "OUT OF SERVICE." At no time are security personnel to activate or utilize any emergency equipment on a Department vehicle. Security personnel shall prepare a field log when using a County vehicle as required of other Division personne
If when driving a Department vehicle and an emergency situation arises that requires you to use the radio to request assistance, your request for assistance should be in plain English terms, i.e.... This is Officer (Your Name), From (Your courts Name) Court, I need....
While operating a Department vehicle security personnel shall monitor the SCC Access Channel.