It is the individual bailiff's responsibility to make certain the court clerk has supplied complete and accurate identification information for warrants in order to ensure prompt input into the CWS System and the ability to interface with the WPS (Wanted Persons System and the NCIC (National Criminal Information Center) System. This will assist other law enforcement officers in obtaining complete and sometimes life threatening information in a timely manner. Bailiffs shall check all warrants and recalls before delivering them to their branch supervisor's office in order to ensure that all information is as complete, accurate, and legible as possible. Complete information also eliminates unnecessary delay in the arrest of individuals with arrest warrants or the unnecessary detention of an individual with a warrant that has been recalled. Thus, ensuring less legal and financial ramifications.
It is imperative that warrants, warrant recalls, and body attachments are not held until the end of the day. They shall be handled in the most expedient manner possible. This will enable the bailiff and/or supervisor to address any issues that may arise, during court hours.
For additional information refer to CSDM, 3-15/000.10 - PRE-TCIS and Juvenile Warrant Recall Procedures and 3-15/000.15 - Juvenile Warrants / Hot Warrants / Body Attachment Procedures and 3-15/010.00 Forthwith Bench Warrants