Court Services Training Bulletins shall be developed and distributed to the Bureaus by the Court Services Training Unit. The Bulletins shall be distributed to all sworn and, as required by topic and Divisional needs, to non-sworn personnel (CA, CSS, SA, SO, etc.). Personnel transferring into Court Services Division shall not be required to review previous Training Bulletins or take tests given prior to their assignment within the Division. Personnel transferring within the Division are required to stay current on Court Services Training Bulletins.
Training Bulletins may contain test questions based on the material presented in the Bulletin. Training Bulletins indicating the need for APIS Roster will have test questions. The test shall be completed by sworn employees through the rank of Lieutenant. The Training Bulletin and answer key will be provided to the Bureau Operations Sergeants. All personnel shall read the Bulletin, answer the question and show the Bulletin to his/her supervisor, who will review the answers and score their test. Employees who do not answer all questions correctly shall be immediately re-mediated by their supervisors. Supervisors should review and explain the material with the subordinate, followed by the employee retaking the test. Once the employee has achieved a score of 100%, the employee and the supervisor (Bonus Deputy or above) shall complete the personnel information section provided on the Instruction Bulletin (Name, Rank, Date, Score, etc.). Personnel shall be provided a copy of the scored Training Bulletin and encouraged to retain it for future reference.
Branch Supervisors, Area Lieutenants and Bureau Captains shall maintain a master notebook containing a complete set of all Department and Divisional Training Bullets.
Master notebooks at each Unit will be kept in a location that can be accessed by employees during their normal work hours.
The Department's records will only reflect the employees who passed each Bulletin with a score of 100%. The original Bulletins, reflecting a score of 100%, shall be retained by the supervisor and will be accessible to authorized personnel.
If an APIS roster is required, it shall be completed and retained for all Bulletins indicating the date the employee successfully completed the corresponding test. Bureau Captains shall be responsible for their staff and Area Lieutenants. Lieutenants shall be responsible for their Branch Supervisors. Branch Supervisors shall be responsible for those assigned to their Branch. An APIS roster shall contain the following information:
Each supervisory level shall prepare and maintain a monthly log entitled, “Training Bulletin Report" which shall contain the following:
NOTE: Personnel not available to take the test (due to long-term absence, etc.) within the month the Bulletin was issued shall be required to read the Bulletin and successfully complete the test upon their return.
Supervisors will be held accountable for briefing and testing their personnel. Records and documentation related to the Recurrent Policy Training Bulletins shall be maintained for two years and will be subject to annual command inspections to verify compliance.
Training Bulletins, as well as, the answer keys can be found on the CSDNet home page in the green bar on the left side of the page.