Chapter 1 - General Provisions and Definitions


1. California Code of Regulations, Title 15 (CCR, Title 15)
            Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities

2. Court Holding Facility (CCR 1006 [f])
            A local detention facility constructed within a court building used for the confinement of persons solely for the purpose of a court appearance, for a period not to exceed 12 hours.

3. Inmate/Prisoner/Custody
           Any person housed in a court facility is referred to as a prisoner, inmate or custody. These terms may be used interchangeably, however for purposes of this manual, an "inmate" or "custody" shall be used to describe any person incarcerated in any Court Services Division facility or any person remanded by a court to the custody of the Sheriff of Los Angeles County. The word "prisoner" will be used to describe any person incarcerated in the State or Federal Prison System.

4. Immediate Supervisor/Watch Commander
             Within Court Services the immediate supervisor may be a Bonus Deputy or Sergeant. For the purposes of force reporting, "immediate supervisor" refers to the Branch Sergeant. The term "watch commander" refers to the Area Lieutenant. In the event that a Bonus Deputy is the only supervisor at a Branch, any reporting of force shall be referred to the Area Lieutenant. If the Area Lieutenant is not available, Bureau Headquarters shall be notified for the assignment of a Sergeant to complete the force report.

5. Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) 5-03/000.00 et sec. Prisoners
            "This chapter outlines the procedures to be followed by this Department between the time a person is arrested and released. During this period of detention or incarceration, the custodian of an inmate or custody shall be accountable and duty-bound for the safety and protection of that custody. Reasonable and ordinary care for the custody’s life and health shall be constantly exercised."

6. First Aid
            First aid is the immediate and temporary care given to an individual of a sudden illness or injury until the services of advanced life support arrive. It includes, but is not limited to, the administration of CPR, controlling bleeding, prevention of further injury, etc.

7. Secured / Semi-Secured / Public Areas
            Secured Area - is an area that public or court staff is not permitted. It is controlled by Sheriff personnel from a control panel or by a key in order to obtain entry. No weapons are allowed in a secured area, (i.e...Lockup areas).

            Semi-Secured Area - is an area that court staff has access too, but the public does not, (i.e... Court hallways behind the courtrooms and usually where the judge’s chambers are located).

            Public Areas - are areas where the public has free access too.