7-02/010.30 - Special Operations Division

H1 – Chief
H11 – Commander, Area 1
H1I2 – Commander, Area 2
H1L – Lieutenant
H1S – Sergeant
H2 – Criminal Intelligence Bureau
H3 – Crisis Negations Team
H4 – Mental Evaluation Team
H5 – Emergency Operations Bureau

  • H5A – Department Operations Center (DOC)
  • H5B – Reserve Forces Detail
  • 250-259 series – EOB personnel
  • 700 series – Station call outs/major events (example 702 – ELA, 713 – LKD)

H6 – Metrolink
H7 – Arson/Explosives Detail
H8 – Transit Services Bureau

Special Enforcement Bureau

240K9 – Canine Unit
240Q – Prisoner Transportation
240R – Rescue
240-249 – SEB units not assigned to a station/unit

Aero Bureau

"Air 1" is the designed call identifier for any Department aircraft in which the Sheriff is a passenger.

The following call identifiers are designated for:

Air Operations

Air 2 – Bureau Captain
Air 3 – Flight Operations Lieutenant
Air 4 – Sergeants
Air 5 – Rescue
Air 6 – Specialized Flight
Air 7 – Day Shift Patrol
Air 8 – Day Shift Patrol
Air 9 – Flight Instructor/Training
Air 10 – Specialized Flight
Air 11 – Lost Hills

Note:   Additional aircraft assigned to any of the above functions would be designated by a letter following the identifier (i.e., Air5A for a second rescue etc.).

Air 19 – North county patrol – day shift
Air 20 – PM Patrol
Air 21-23 – PM Patrol
Air 24 – North county – PM shift
Air 31-35 – Surveillance Aircraft
Air 50 – Downlink Video
Air 72 – King Air (Transport Aircraft)

Note:   Additional supplementary PM patrols or any special PM operation would be designated from remaining 20 series.

Special Area Air Patrols

130SK/Skynight – Lakewood Station

Ground Air Units

950C – Aero Captain
950L – Aero Lieutenant
950S – Aero Sergeant
950D – Aero Desk
950U – Aero Support/Utility

NOTE:   Additional support/utility vehicles shall be designated identifiers in the 950 series (i.e., 951U, etc).

Reserve Forces Series

944C – RFD Captain
944C – RFD Lieutenant(s)
944C – RFD Sergeant(s)
944A – RFD personnel, non-reserves
944R – RFD personnel, reserves