5-09/510.07 - Handling of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents – Reporting Requirements

Section 13023 of the Penal Code requires all law enforcement agencies to forward to the Department of Justice (DOJ) all hate crimes and hate incidents statistics.  Therefore, it shall be the responsibility of the Hate Crimes Task Force to provide the Sheriff’s Analysis Unit (SAU) Fraud and Cyber Crimes Bureau (FCCB) Statistical Unit with the hate crime and hate incident data, to allow the FCCB Statistical Unit to compile Department statistics.  At the end of each month, the FCCB Statistical Unit shall continue to process, and report hate crime and hate incident information in compliance with County, State, and/or Federal requirements.

The Hate Crimes Task Force will conduct routine audits of hate crime and hate incident data provided to the FCCB Statistical Unit to ensure the data accurately corresponds to the information entered and maintained in the Department’s record management system (the Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS)).  At the direction of the Department Hate Crimes Coordinator, the Hate Crimes Task Force shall conduct an, at minimum, annual audit of a statistically valid sample of all crime reports to ensure that hate crimes are consistently identified and tracked as hate crimes.

Hate Crimes Task Force Reporting

The Hate Crimes Task Force shall seek the most effective investigation and prosecution with consideration given to both State and Federal laws.

The Hate Crimes Task Force shall be responsible for activating the California DOJ Hate Crime Rapid Response Protocol when notified of a qualifying event (once the service is operational).

See section 4-11/012.00, Hate Crimes, for additional information on hate crime or hate incident reporting, clarifying distribution, and handling procedures.