5-09/170.05 - Authorized Patrol Rifles

The Department-authorized Patrol Rifle is of the AR-15 platform.  Authorized weapons must meet the following specifications:

  • Manufactured by Colt, Fabrique Nationale – Herstal (FN), or other manufacturer approved by the Senior Department Armorer and Rangemaster;
  • Capable of semi-automatic fire only (SEB is authorized select-fire rifles);
  • Equipped with barrel lengths approved by the Senior Department Armorer and Rangemaster;
  • Shall be equipped with fixed or adjustable stocks; and
  • Shall be equipped with iron conventional sights.  Rifles may also be equipped with Department-approved sighting systems.  Sights will only be removed and/or installed by Weapons Training Unit personnel. 

Patrol rifles may be equipped with mounted flashlights in a configuration approved by the Senior Department Armorer and Rangemaster.

Modifying any Department Patrol Rifle, beyond its original Department-issued configuration is strictly prohibited without the prior approval of the Senior Department Armorer and Rangemaster.  Prohibited modifications include, but are not limited to, aftermarket pistol grips, vertical foregrips and hand guards, butt stocks, and internal components.  Only the Senior Department Armorer may attach or install any item that modifies the function of the rifle.  Personal slings, that do not require hardware installation, are permitted.

The on-duty use of personally owned rifles is prohibited.