5-09/120.60 - Courtesy Reports - Missing Persons

A courtesy report for a missing person shall be completed on a Missing Person Report (SH-R-12), and will have the same assignment and URN as active cases for our own Department.  Forward the report to Homicide Bureau’s, Missing Person’s Detail.  They will be responsible for contacting the respective agency for approval of assuming the investigation.  Absent alternate direction, department personnel shall err on the side of caution and complete a missing person report.


On all missing person courtesy reports the following procedures shall be completed by the deputy taking the report:


  • Have an authorized person sign the "Authorization to Release Dental/Skeletal X-rays/Photographs and Description Information of Missing Juveniles" (State form SS 8567) and the "Notice to Person Reporting Missing Person" on the reverse side of the Missing Person Report, unless the report is taken telephonically; and
  • Enter into NCIC within one hour of taking report.
     Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail will be responsible for the following:
  • Notify and send a copy of the report to the law enforcement agency where the missing person resides.  That agency is responsible for the investigation;
  • Notify and send a copy of the report to the agency where the missing person was last seen and/or possible destinations of the missing person;
  • Include in the report the name and rank of person(s) notified; and
  • Ensure that a copy of the report is sent to the concerned agency by the most expeditious manner.
    In addition to the standard procedures, the following procedures must be adhered to in certain cases as outlined below:

    Courtesy Reports for Missing Adults
    When the courtesy report is on an adult, the station/unit taking the report is responsible for making an immediate Los Angeles Regional Crime Information System (LARCIS) entry and sending a copy of the report via Fax to Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail by the end of shift.
    Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail, shall be responsible for monitoring the case until investigative responsibility is accepted by an outside agency.
    If the missing adult is not located within 30 days, Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail, shall obtain dental records and x-rays and send a copy of the report, dental records and x-rays to the Department of Justice.

    Courtesy Reports for Another Agency (Missing Children)
    The station/unit shall make an NCIC entry within one hour of taking the report.
    Should suspicious circumstances, foul play, homicide, or an at-risk situation be suspected, the station/unit taking the report shall send a copy of the report and when possible, dental records, to the Department of Justice within twenty-four (24) hours.  SRD copy of all reports and releases to Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail.
    If the child is not located within 30 days, the station/unit detectives shall obtain the dental records and x-rays

    Accepting Existing Reports from Another Agency - (Missing Adults)
    Outside agencies making a request to relinquish an existing Adult Missing Person Report investigation to a Sheriff’s Department Station, shall be advised to contact the Homicide Missing Person Detail directly.  Department personnel shall not make an additional report, modify the JDIC entry or generate a new URN without direction from the Homicide Missing Person Detail.
    Upon acceptance of the existing investigation, the Missing Person Detail will direct the requesting agency to the appropriate LASD Station to file a report.  The Missing Person Detail will also contact the LASD Station to advise of their approval to accept the report.
    After approval from Homicide Bureau’s, Missing Person’s detail, station personnel shall issue a “locate” to remove the originating agencies entry.
    The report shall then be handled as any other missing person report taken by this Department.

    Courtesy Reports for another Sheriff's Station/Unit
    Prepare the case as though a station/unit case.  An URN number shall be obtained from the concerned station/unit and marked "Courtesy Report for _____________________ Station/Unit."
    The station/unit taking the report shall make the necessary computer entries, forward the report to the concerned station/unit, and SRD to Homicide Bureau, Missing Persons Detail.