5-09/380.25 - Regulatory Guidelines for Licensed Permittee

All Concealed Weapon License applicants, whether applying for a new or renewal license, are subject to the preceding criteria and the following restrictions.

When a Concealed Weapon License is issued, the following restrictions will apply and shall appear on the reverse side of the first copy of the BCII 4501 form:

  • Restriction violations of this license shall constitute an immediate revocation and subjects the bearer to provisions of 25400 PC.  Additionally, the license may be seized by any peace officer and returned to LASD, Attn: Office of the Undersheriff or concerned Assistant Sheriff; and
  • While exercising the privilege granted to them under the terms of this permit, licensees shall not:
    • Consume any alcoholic liquor;
    • Represent to any person that they are peace officers unless they are, in fact, peace officers as defined by law;
    • Abuse this privilege by an unjustified display of a deadly weapon;
    • Violate any law of this state or country;
    • Be under the influence of any medication or narcotic drug;
    • Impede law enforcement officers in the conduct of their activities; and
    • Refuse to display their license or to surrender their concealable firearm to any peace officer for inspection upon demand.

In addition, SPECIAL LIMITATIONS may include, but are not limited to, the time, place and circumstances under which the license is valid.  Some examples of special limitations include:

  • Licensee must wear eyeglasses;
  • License is further limited to geographic areas which are less than the County boundaries;
  • License is valid only at specified times;
  • License is valid for a period which is less than one year;
  • Exercise this limited privilege only within this County; and
  • Other conditions which are identified by the statement of good cause.