5-09/270.20 - Honorary Consuls

Often, nationals or permanent residents of the receiving state are appointed and received as honorary consular officers to perform the functions generally performed by career consular officers.  Honorary consuls receive the same pink-bordered State Department credential as career counselor officials.  The credential identifies them as honorary consuls and states their limited immunities.  Their family members enjoy no personal inviolability and no jurisdictional immunity of any kind.  As a courtesy, Sheriff’s consular identification cards are also issued to these representatives.  These individuals are not immune from arrest or detention; however, appropriate steps should be taken to accord to such officers the courtesy required by virtue of their official position.  In addition, the consular archives and documents of a consular post headed by an honorary consul are inviolable at all times and wherever they may be, provided they are kept separate from other papers and documents of a private or commercial nature relating to the other activities of an honorary consul and persons working with him.