5-09/265.25 - Outside Agency Tactical Canine Deployment

Deployment and use of force policies of other departments can be quite different from our own. As such, the use of tactical canines from other law enforcement agencies, in support of a Sheriff’s Department operation, should be avoided, except in extreme emergencies which clearly dictate the need for an immediate canine search. When exceptional circumstances dictate the need to utilize a canine team from another agency, the following procedures shall be adhered to:

  • The unit commander, or their designee, from the station making the request or a lieutenant from the Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB), must approve the deployment of other agency canines and must ensure that the outside agency handler has received proper authorization to deploy from his own agency;
  • The unit authorizing the deployment shall contact SEB and provide the details to the on-duty SEB canine supervisor;
  • When a canine team from another agency is authorized and deployed, they shall be briefed and operate consistent with our Department’s tactical canine deployment policy; and
  • In situations where outside agency canines are used and a bite occurs, watch commanders shall ensure that a thorough canine bite investigation is completed by the involved agency, in accordance with that agency’s procedures. Additionally, the canine handler from the outside agency shall provide a detailed supplemental report explaining the events.

This section is not intended to prohibit the use of outside agency canines during participation in joint operations with Sheriff’s Department personnel, such as pre-planned events or task force assignments, where they are authorized by, and remain under the ultimate control and supervision of their own agency.