5-09/170.00 - Patrol Rifle Deployment

The deployment of patrol rifles requires sound judgment and an understanding of tactical considerations.  Patrol rifles can provide deputies with capabilities which may not be available with the use of a handgun or shotgun.

Deputies shall be able to articulate their decision to deploy a patrol rifle.  This decision may be based upon, but not limited to, the following:

  • Nature of the incident or call for service;
  • Suspect’s history, if known;
  • Weapon(s) involved;
  • Potential for an encounter with an armed suspect;
  • Capabilities and limitations of the patrol rifle;
  • Proficiency of the deputy with firearms; and
  • Public perception.

Instances where a patrol rifle may be deployed include, but are not limited to:

  • Tactical operations such as containments and high profile event deployments;
  • Entry in or around structures in search of suspects;
  • Suspects who are armed with a weapon, not necessarily a firearm, whose capabilities could result in death or serious bodily injury to deputies or the public; 
  • Potential for extended range deadly force engagements; and
  • Active deadly weapon assaults.

The deployment of another weapon may be more appropriate based upon the information provided.  Any concerns regarding patrol rifle deployment shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with sound tactical principles.