5-09/140.05 - Notification Prior to In-Custody Female Transportation

Whenever a female is arrested, she shall, if circumstances permit, be transported by a female deputy, or by two male deputies.


If circumstances prevent a female deputy or two male deputies from being available for transportation, a lone male deputy may transport a female arrestee.  He shall transport her directly from the location of arrest to a hospital or the most appropriate site for booking.


Prior to transporting females, units with a Mobile Digital Computer (MDC) equipped vehicle shall record the transportation of females using the MDC and body worn camera (BWC).


MDC procedure:


•             Press the “STATUS TXT” screen button;

•             When the status text dialogue box opens, type “Transp 1 Fem, start (mileage)” on the “STATUS TEXT:” line;

•             Press the 10-15 screen button on the same dialogue box; and

•             When the unit arrives at the station, press the “STATUS TXT” screen button, and enter “End (miles)” on the “STATUS TEXT:”

line and press the “STATION” status screen button.


Department personnel with or without an MDC, shall activate their BWC prior to initiating in-custody transports of females.  The BWC shall continue recording until the contact has ended.


Units not equipped with an MDC shall, prior to transporting any female, notify the Sheriff’s Communication Center (SCC) operator and give the location, beginning mileage and intended destination.  A lone male deputy shall include in his radio transmission that he is a “lone male deputy.”  The SCC operator shall acknowledge the transmission and reply with the time.


When the female has been transported to the desired destination, the deputies shall notify the SCC operator of the ending mileage.  The SCC operator shall acknowledge in the same manner as for the initial message.


The beginning and ending mileage and times shall be entered in the Deputy's Daily Work Sheet (DDWS) or included in the report of the incident.