5-09/090.20 - Disposition of Personal Property

The Government Code prohibits the search for, or removal of, personal property of the deceased except by the Coroner or his representative. Homicide personnel have permission from the Coroner to search and remove personal property when such search and removal is essential to their investigation. Deputies shall witness the search of the body and the premises by the Coroner or his representative and shall sign the "Coroner's Inventory of Personal Effects of Deceased Person" as witness to the search. The first carbon copy (blue copy) shall be retained by the Deputy who shall enter the URN on the face of the inventory form. The inventory form and the Sheriff's report shall be forwarded to Homicide Bureau.

In non-Coroner cases, the Deputies shall not search the body or take possession of any property, this being the responsibility of the family or mortuary.

In Coroner and non-Coroner cases, when the deceased has no known relatives, the Public Administrator shall be notified. Notification will be made by the Coroner on Coroner cases and by the mortuary on non-Coroner cases.