5-09/010.00 - Reporting and Disposition Procedures for Stolen, Recovered, and Found Bicycles

An Incident Report (SH-R-49) shall be completed for all stolen, recovered and found bicycles and an URN shall be assigned. Arrests shall be documented in the Incident Report.

Any requested information which is not available at the time the report is filled out shall be indicated on the form by placing a short line immediately following the requested item.

Distribution and disposition of the Bicycle Report shall be as follows:

  • Station/Unit distribution as needed; and
  • Reporting Station/Unit shall be responsible for entry of data into DOJ, Automated Stolen Bicycle System.

Station/Unit detectives shall be responsible for investigation of all stolen, recovered, impounded and found bicycle cases.

Recovered and found bicycles may be released by Station/Unit personnel in the absence of Station/Unit detectives upon satisfactory identification and signature of the legal owner.

No recovered or found bicycle shall be released at the Station/Unit to its legal owner without proper registration if such registration is required by County Ordinance or any ordinance in cities contracting for such services with the Department.

An exception shall be made in cases where a city issues its own bicycle licenses. The owner of the bicycle shall be advised to obtain a current bicycle license immediately and the bicycle released.