5-08/040.05 - Test Preparation

Testing procedures shall be started by contacting the Polygraph Section for consultation and, if appropriate, obtaining an appointment.

The examiner shall be provided with the following information as soon as possible after the appointment is made:

  • All the facts of the case;
  • Background information such as the personal history and individual characteristics of the person to be tested; and
  • Any other information that will permit a reliable appraisal of the subject.

To increase reliability of the test, the person to be examined should:

  • Not be under a doctor’s care for any disease or other physical or mental condition;
  • Not be under the influence of stimulants, sedatives or alcohol;
  • Be sufficiently rested;
  • Be free from respiratory ailments or physical pain;
  • Be allowed a reasonable amount of time to recover from the emotionality of close involvement in highly sensitive criminal matters; and
  • Not have been interrogated within eight hours prior to the polygraph examination.

Pregnant females and juveniles under the age of 14 will not be tested.