5-08/030.00 - Identification Personnel Requests

Scientific Services Bureau, Latent Print Section personnel conduct investigations for latent prints when there is sufficient reason to believe that fingerprint evidence may be found.  They document crime scenes by the use of photography, video and diagraming.  They will also make plaster casts of shoe prints and tire tracks.  When such services are required, the procedures in the following subsections shall be observed.

The services of the Latent Print Section personnel are available seven days a week.  Immediate requests for these services shall be authorized by the Watch Commander of the requesting Station or Unit.  Telephone requests shall be made directly to the Scientific Services Bureau.  The telephone number after normal business hours and on weekends is (213) 989-2163 or (800 974-4LAB or (800) 974-4522.

Telephone requests shall be followed by a JDIC message to the Latent Print Section and shall indicate "Confirmation Only."

Immediate response requests shall be made when it is imperative that a fingerprint examination must be conducted as soon as possible to prevent the destruction of evidence.


  • Homicides;
  • Violent crimes such as kidnapping, home invasion robberies, attempted murder, etc.; and
  • Business robberies when securing the area for prints may interfere with normal business operation.

When the routine services of Latent Print Section personnel are requested, victims should be advised that Latent Print Section personnel will arrive as soon as possible but the exact time and date cannot be determined by the patrol Deputy.  Do NOT make the appointment for Latent Print Section personnel with the victim.

Deputies requesting Latent Print Section personnel shall telephone the necessary information for the JDIC message to their Station/Unit from the scene of occurrence where possible, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Requests shall be sent via JDIC to the Latent Print Section, Scientific Services Bureau.

The following information shall be included in the JDIC message:

  • Complete URN;
  • Address or location and phone number where the fingerprint investigation is to be conducted;
  • Name of victim (if available);
  • Time when premises will be available for examination or phone number where the victim may be contacted during normal working hours; and
  • Specify areas to be checked at the crime location.  Include license number on all vehicles when applicable, and the time and place when the vehicle will be available.

Be specific, as the JDIC message is oftentimes the only guideline Latent Print Section personnel have to follow.