5-07/130.05 - NCIC Entries - Arrest Warrants

It is the investigating deputy’s responsibility to obtain extradition approval from the head deputy district attorney of the issuing court for arrest warrants they have caused to be issued.  If extradition is approved, the investigating deputy shall:

  • Ensure that the warrant is entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC); and

  • Send a certified copy of the warrant, the NCIC printout, the Extradition Approval Form, and the investigating deputy’s business card to:  NCIC Coordinator, Major Crimes Bureau, and Fugitive Detail.

A file shall be maintained in the station or unit detective lieutenant's office where it can be accessed twenty-four hours a day.

NCIC Entries

When a Consolidated Superior Court bench warrant is issued, it is the investigating deputy’s responsibility, or in their absence, the investigating unit's responsibility to determine if the warrant will be placed into NCIC for extradition purposes.  Consideration for NCIC entry shall be based on the charge, any prior convictions and if, upon conviction, there will be an estimated minimum nine month jail sentence.  It should be noted that the California Department of Justice (DOJ) programmatically enters all felony warrants received into NCIC as non-extraditable.  The investigating deputy must modify the warrant, if extradition is desired.