5-07/270.10 - Court Liaison Officer's Responsibilities

The person designated as CLO for each Unit shall be the coordinator between the individual courts and his Unit's personnel holding on-call status to the court.  The CLO must be available between the hours of 0800 and 1630 daily, Monday through Friday, holidays excluded.  Workloads of the CLO will vary considerably depending upon personnel assigned and the frequency of court appearances.

All contacts with the court should be handled through the District Attorney's Office serving that court.  In Superior Court, the District Attorney's witness coordinator will provide all the necessary information.

The CLO shall enter the required information on an On-Call Control Log (SH-R-371).  This information must, whenever possible, be transmitted to the CLO at least on the day prior to the court appearance and on Friday before a Monday appearance.

Each court day, the CLO will contact the District Attorney's Office at the courts having "on-call" subpoenas and verify the on-call status of the witnesses.  Any changes in status shall be reported to the concerned officer immediately.  By 1130 hours of the court day, the CLO will again contact the District Attorney's Office and ascertain the status of the cases involving on-call witnesses for afternoon on-call status.

Throughout the day, the CLO will maintain liaison with the court and will notify any officer on call if he is needed in court.

When an officer arrives at court in response to an "on-call" subpoena, or is notified of his case disposition, or is relieved of on-call status at the end of that court day, the CLO shall complete an Overtime Worked report (SH‑R‑251), in the officer's name, indicating the total hours of on-call status (including travel to court, if applicable), circling "399 - On-call Court (half time)" and authorizing half-time pay for the officers.  The CLO shall route the SH-R-251 to the officer for signature and submission for Unit approval.  Reports shall then be forwarded to the Unit timekeeper.

If the officer is on an on-call status at the end of the court day, the CLO shall notify the employee at the end of that day whether he is to remain on-call the following day.  Failure by the CLO to notify the concerned employee of his court status may result in unnecessary additional compensation.

It shall be the duty of each CLO to prepare a monthly report indicating the total number of hours accrued by personnel remaining on-call for court appearances.

These monthly reports shall be forwarded by the CLO on the first working day of the following month to the Unit timekeeper for use in preparing the "Overtime & Mileage Report (By Unit)" (SH-AD-578).  Half-time (on-call) compensation is not recorded on the worksheet or the Employee Overtime Record (SH-AD-200), as this time is not considered to be creditable service hours.