5-07/270.05 - Deputies' Responsibilities

Deputies who are on-call as a result of a subpoena during off-duty hours are eligible for half-time compensation.  The concerned Deputy must be available to receive telephone calls from the appearance hour specified on the subpoena, maintain a response time of one hour or less to court and on the last working day prior to the specified date of appearance, contact his Unit's CLO and provide the following required information:

  • Court date;
  • Court issuing subpoena;
  • Court case number;
  • Defendant's name;
  • Officer's name;
  • Nature of subpoena ("must appear" or "on-call");
  • Deputy District Attorney's name granting on-call status (if applicable);
  • Telephone number where officer can be reached; and
  • Estimated travel time to court (one hour or less).

If the Deputy has not been contacted on the date of his court case, he shall contact his Unit's CLO by 1200 hours to be advised of his case status.  If the court case is still pending, he will remain on-call until notified to report to court, relieved by the court, advised by the CLO or appropriate Unit supervisor or until the end of the court day.  When on-call Deputies are required to respond and appear in court, it is imperative that they complete an Overtime Worked Report (SH-R-251) only for the necessary time at court.  Travel to court when responding from on-call status is compensated at the half-time rate.

A minimum of two hours half-time compensation, including travel to court, will be granted to an employee who receives an on-call subpoena provided the on-call status is not cancelled prior to the date of the subpoena.  However, additional compensation will not be granted for "on-call" subpoenas which are issued for the same or overlapping time periods as "must appear" subpoenas.

In the event of transfer of assignment on or before the date set for appearance, it shall be the Deputy's responsibility to notify the CLO at both his past and present assignment of his court subpoena.  In the event the new assignment does not have a CLO, the Deputy shall notify his supervisor.