5-07/230.15 - Duplication of Audio and Video Tapes and Cost Recovery

Audio/Video Tape Duplication: Audio tape duplication is a relatively simple process and, in most instances, can be performed by members of the originating unit.  Therefore, unless unusual circumstances exist*, all duplications of AUDIO/VIDEO TAPE RECORDINGS shall be performed by the originating unit.

Members of the Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau Technical Operations Detail will assist in the duplication of AUDIO/VIDEO tape recordings when:

  • The originating unit does not have the necessary equipment to perform the duplicating process;
  • The tape duplication process is beyond the capability of the originating unit’s personnel; and
  • Difficulties with the original tape recording requires the technical knowledge/expertise of personnel assigned to the Technical Operations Detail at STARS Center.

Cost Recovery: Defense attorneys requesting duplication services are to be charged for the actual costs of providing such services, based on the salary of the employee performing the service.  The requesting party will be required to provide sufficient blank tapes for the job.  Funds collected are to be processed as per MPP section 3-05/060.15.

Duplication work for a county employed defense attorney, i.e., Public Defender or Alternate Public Defender, is not directly billed, however, sufficient blank tapes must still be supplied.  These attorneys must also sign an acknowledgment that they require the duplication for the defense of their client and that they authorize the Sheriff’s Department to charge their Department for the duplication work.  Charge acknowledgments will be forwarded monthly to Financial Programs Bureau, Special Accounts, for the processing under current existing procedures.  As is customary and in compliance with past practice, copies for the District Attorney will be supplied at no cost.