5-07/200.00 - Civilian Personnel Subpoenaed As Witness for the County in Civil Cases

Civilian personnel who are subpoenaed as a witness for the County, i.e., the employee is not a defendant in the action and is subpoenaed on behalf of the County regarding an event or transaction which the employee perceived or investigated in the course of his duties, in any civil action or proceeding, or in the taking of a deposition, shall be allowed their regular County salary plus mileage when complying with such subpoena.

The provision concerning the 500-mile limitation in response to such subpoenas, as indicated under section 5-07/170.00, shall so apply under this section.

Service of a civil subpoena under this section shall be made to the witness personally.  An employee's supervisor or other person shall not accept service of such a subpoena on behalf of the employee.