5-07/190.00 - Department Employees As a Nonofficial Witness for Others

Sworn and civilian employees of this Department who are required by subpoena or otherwise to attend and give evidence in any judicial proceeding, criminal or civil, in a nonofficial capacity, i.e., the incident from which the action being litigated is neither job connected nor County related and the employee is not party to the action or an expert witness in the action, shall not be entitled to any compensation or mileage from the County.  Attendance at such proceedings shall be on the employee’s own time and at their own expense.  Employees who attend any judicial proceeding in a nonofficial capacity may retain such fees and mileage as is authorized by law for such attendance.

Service of a subpoena under this section shall be made to the witness personally.  An employee's supervisor or other person shall not accept service of such a subpoena on behalf of the employee.