5-07/180.00 - Deputy Personnel Subpoenaed for Taking of Depositions in Civil Cases

Deputy personnel who are subpoenaed for the purpose of taking a deposition in connection with any civil action or proceeding within the County and out of the County within 75 miles from home, or if the Deputy is a party to the action, i.e., The Deputy is named on the subpoena as a defendant in an action against the County of Los Angeles, within 150 miles from home, shall receive their regular salary and travel expenses, as indicated under section 5-07/170.05.  Deputies shall also adhere to those procedures which are outlined under section 5-07/170.10 through section 5-07/170.25.

Under certain circumstances, a court may approve a subpoena to a deposition at a place beyond the mileage limits outlined above.

Only the party desiring to take the deposition, or his attorney, can authorize, designate or otherwise determine the place for the taking of a deposition; however, said party and/or his attorney may not designate any Sheriff's Department facility as the place for the taking of a deposition.