5-07/170.20 - Verification of Fee Payments by Deputies

The required daily fee should be deposited with the clerk of the concerned court by the party at whose request the subpoena was issued.  A Deputy receiving a civil subpoena shall check the subpoena to determine whether the required fee has been deposited.

If the fee has been deposited, the subpoena should bear an endorsement to that effect, or the person serving the subpoena may exhibit a receipt for the deposit of the first day's fee.

If no such endorsement has been made or receipt exhibited, the Deputy shall observe the following procedure:

  • Upon arrival at the court, he shall ask the court clerk to determine whether or not the fee has been paid;
  • When the fee has not been paid, the Deputy shall request the court clerk to notify the judge to that effect so that collection can be made for that day; and
  • Each subsequent day that the Deputy is required to appear, he shall check with the court clerk to determine whether the fee for that day has been paid.

No fee will be deposited for Deputies responding pursuant to a subpoena wherein the party causing the subpoena to be issued is the County of Los Angeles.