5-07/110.60 - Procedure When Subject Not Person Named in Warrant

When a person is booked by Sheriff’s personnel on a warrant issued from outside Los Angeles County and it is subsequently determined that the arrestee is not the person named on the warrant, Sheriff’s personnel shall complete the Disputed Warrant Verification Form and release the subject per existing policies, if no other charges are pending.  Sheriff’s personnel shall also advise the concerned outside Los Angeles County agency that their warrant was not placed on the subject.

When a person has been booked into a Sheriff’s facility by an outside agency (e.g., El Monte Police Department, Sierra Madre Police Department, etc.) on any CWS warrant or warrant issued from outside Los Angeles County, and it is subsequently determined by Sheriff’s personnel, after the outside agency’s departure, that the arrestee is not the person named on the warrant, both pages of the Disputed Warrant Verification Form shall be completed and the instructions on the form followed.  After completing the Disputed Warrant Verification Form, notice shall then be made to the outside booking agency that it is their responsibility to have CWS updated, or advise the outside Los Angeles County agency their warrant was not placed, if applicable.

When a person is booked on a CWS warrant by Sheriff’s personnel and it is subsequently determined that the arrestee is not the person named on the warrant, the jailer shall cause an exoneration to be entered into CWS.  The following information shall be included:

  • Informant's Name - The person who made the determination that the arrestee is the wrong defendant;
  • The name of the arrestee;
  • Date of birth of the arrestee;
  • An identifying number, i.e., driver's license or social security number of the exonerated arrestee; and
  • How it was determined the arrestee was the wrong defendant.  A Disputed Warrant Verification Form shall be completed and included in the booking jacket.

A printout of this information must be given to the exonerated arrestee and a copy will be placed in the booking jacket.

The Records and Identification Bureau (RIB) shall be telephoned immediately thereafter so the warrant can be reactivated and made available for service.