5-07/110.56 - Consolidated Superior (Formerly Municipal) Court Felony Bench Warrants

The assigned/filing Unit shall have the following responsibilities:

  • Ensuring case preparedness and maintaining a file of all active felony bench warrants;
    • Providing a copy of the Warrant Notice to the investigating officer, who shall be responsible for adding officer hazard information, AKAs and ensuring that the warrant is entered into NCIC, if applicable; and
    • Auditing the case files every six months for case preparedness. If the case is no longer prosecutable, a member of the Unit shall contact the concerned court for the warrant's recall.

The concerned Unit is responsible for a minimum of one attempt at service within the first thirty (30) days of receipt of the Warrant Notice.  The attempt at service will be entered into the Investigative Information Segment of the warrant record (JDIC WANT5 format).

In addition, every Detective Bureau or detail within a Division with field duties or Detective Division shall maintain an automated tracking program to ensure NCIC updates and due diligence.  The following will be tracked in this system:

  • Arrest warrants;
  • Bench warrants; and
  • NCIC entries.

The CWS Warrant Notices and Warrant Serving Notices will provide most of the necessary data for the entries.