5-07/110.10 - Use of the CWS

To obtain maximum benefits from the system, certain procedures must be followed by the requesting Deputy when running a subject via radio:

  • Obtain a clear frequency by using current procedures;
  • Speak slowly and distinctly; the communications operator is typing the inquiry directly into the system;
  • Run only one subject and/or vehicle at a time;
  • Accurately spell out all names;
  • Indicate any omissions in the format (i.e., no driver's license, etc.);
  • Indicate an available vehicle license number to assist in tying the subject into any wants/warrants;
  • When a communications operator receives a possible want/warrant return, the Sheriff's Dispatcher shall read all identifying information, including full name, date of birth and any physical descriptors from the warrant information to the Field Deputy.  If the information is an "exact match" to the information originally given by the Deputy, the Sheriff's Dispatcher may simply advise the Deputy of an "exact match;"
  • The following procedures shall apply to all Sheriff’s personnel whether the subject is run via voice, JDIC terminal, or MDT/MDC;
  • In addition to the above requested information, the communications operator will immediately advise the requesting Deputy of any officer hazards;
  • If any exonerations are associated with the warrant, the communications operator will query the investigative information/exoneration segment of the warrant and relay this information to the requesting Deputy;
  • After having received information indicating that an outstanding warrant exists and the arresting/requesting officer wishes to transport the subject to the Station for further investigation, he can request SCC to route a Warrant Information Sheet (WIS) to the Station or obtain a WIS from the JDIC terminal at the Station;
  • A Deputy shall compare an arrestee, in person, with the description on the WIS prior to booking;
  • Subjects who are arrested on a warrant or have additional charges placed against them pursuant to a warrant shall be given a copy of the WIS prior to booking;
  • If a subject claims he is not the person named on a WIS, he shall not be booked until a thorough records search has been performed and a Disputed Warrant Verification Form completed.  Any person claiming to be erroneously arrested on a warrant shall be allowed access to his property if such property contains evidence that he has been erroneously arrested;
  • A Disputed Warrant Verification Form shall be initiated immediately upon the subject's claim that he is not the person named on the WIS.  The Deputy seeking the booking shall compare all available records which relate to, or contain information about, the subject or the person named on the WIS;
  • The decision to book an arrestee on the strength of the want/warrant will normally be made at the Station/custody facility by the Watch Sergeant or a Custody Division supervisor after comparing the arrestee's description with the information on the WIS and/or information obtained during the record search;
  • The approving supervisor shall indicate approval of the arrest or authorization for release by noting "booked" or "released" followed by his initials on the WIS.  If not booked and there are no other charges and/or wants on which to hold the subject, release the subject per section 849(b)(1) PC, issue the person detained a "Certificate of Release" (form SH-AD-516) and complete an Incident Report (form SH-R-49) using the classification "Warrant, one detention, one release;"
  • The Deputy shall cause an entry to be made in the investigative information/exoneration segment (JDIC WANT5 format) of the warrant describing the circumstances of the exoneration.  The detaining Deputy/agency shall give a copy of this entered information to the erroneously detained person.  If an abstract was obtained, the Deputy shall also cause the warrant repository to be notified to reactivate the warrant.  These procedures are outlined in the Countywide Warrant System Policy and Procedures manual (Refer to Manual of Policy and Procedures section 3-09/120.00, Sealing and Destroying of Arrest Records - Factually Innocent Subjects Only);
  • If there is a decision not to place the additional warrant/hold against a prisoner being detained at a Custody Division facility for other charges, an SH-R-49 is not required; and
  • When the Deputy obtains the abstract he shall attach a copy of the Disputed Warrant Verification Form and he shall obtain the approval of the Watch Sergeant/supervisor on the space provided on the form.