5-07/010.15 - Admonition by Field Personnel

Field personnel may admonish a suspect in cases assigned to the Detective Division and/or Station/Unit Detectives when a detective is not available and one of the following situations apply:

  • The suspect is seriously ill and the Deputy has reasonable cause to believe that his condition may deteriorate;
  • The suspect will not be available for questioning later, as he plans to post a Writ of Release or Certificate of Bailment; or
  • The Deputy has reasonable cause to believe that immediate questioning of the suspect is necessary.  (Examples:  When the suspect can supply information to avert danger to life or property or to prevent a serious crime, or in fresh pursuit when delay might cause the escape of accomplices.)

In patrol assigned misdemeanor cases, when it appears the suspect will be released on a citation (promise to appear) as in cases of petty theft or vandalism, field personnel should consider admonishing the suspect and attempting to get a statement.