5-06/100.10 - Notifications/Report

Any employee who comes in direct contact with hazardous materials or toxic substances in the line of duty shall be responsible for:


  • Notifying their supervisor;

  • Preparing the Hazardous Materials Injury/Toxic Substances/Communicable Disease Exposure Report (SH-R-426). When several members have come in contact with the same substance, each employee involved shall prepare a report. Preparation and submission of the SH-R-426 for each exposed employee shall complete the required reporting process if no treatment or medical attention is required at time of exposure; and

  • Contacting the Disability Management and Compliance Unit, when medical treatment or advice is desired.

If a member subsequently becomes ill as a result of the contact, additional reports shall be prepared and processed in the same manner as for an industrial injury/illness (refer to section 3-02/040.05). The date and time of the exposure to the hazardous material or toxic substance shall be substituted for the date and time of injury on form SH-AD-92.

The employee's immediate supervisor shall be responsible for the following:


  • Advising the Watch Commander of the exposure incident;

  • Requesting a Criminalist to respond to the medical facility on all serious toxic cases for consultation with emergency room staff;

  • Ensuring the completeness of the Hazardous Materials Injury/Toxic Substances/Communicable Disease Exposure Report (SH-R426) of each of the employees involved and forwarding two copies of each to the Disability Management and Compliance Unit. A separate report shall be completed for each employee affected;

  • Preparing and distributing a Report of Industrial Injury (SH-AD-92) and Supervisor's Report (SH-AD- 32A) for each employee when necessary. (Refer to section 3-02/040.05);

  • Making proper notification, when necessary, for pick-up and disposition of involved chemicals; and

  • Preparing and forwarding an SH-AD-32A to the Disability Management and Compliance Unit listing all members exposed, with the exposure forms (SH-R-426) for each employee involved attached.

The above notifications/procedures shall be consistent with information in section 5-06/090.00 Disposal of Chemicals - Hazardous Material Spills.