5-06/150.50 - Requests by Other Police Agencies for the Sheriff's Response Team

The Sheriff’s Response Team (SRT) is available for requests from any police department in Mutual Aid Region I.  The SRT’s deployment will be decided by the SRT Commander.

Unit Commanders shall brief personnel as to our policy and the following operational guidelines:

  • Each request for the SRT must be requested through Emergency Operations Bureau;
  • Each request must be approved by the person in charge of the requesting agency;
  • Upon receiving a request for the SRT from an independent city, Emergency Operations Bureau shall contact an SRT advance team for the purpose of liaison, evaluation, and communication;
  • Police departments shall maintain incident command; however, the Sheriff’s Department shall maintain responsibility and control over the participation of the SRT (including, but not limited to, tactics, deployment and withdrawal);
  • The primary containment zone shall be Department personnel only.  The SRT Commander shall respond to the scene and command our personnel; and
  • Consultation between the SRT commander and the person in charge of the requesting agency or their representative shall occur.