5-06/150.00 - Sheriff's Response Team

The Sheriff’s Response Team (SRT) is to respond to preplanned and spontaneous events and to restore public order by the use of highly skilled and disciplined personnel comprised of a broad base of Sheriff’s personnel.

For expediency, any sworn member of this Department may request the SRT; however, authorization to deploy the team must be made by the on-call SRT Commander.

Request for the SRT shall be made through Emergency Operations Bureau.  Specific information relating to the incident shall be provided.  Emergency Operations Bureau shall be responsible for contacting the members of the SRT for deployment.

Whenever the SRT is requested, the requesting Unit shall be responsible for notifying their Unit Commander, Area Commander, or Duty Commander.

The SRT is administratively assigned to Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB).  The SRT Lieutenant shall be responsible for assigning personnel, training, maintaining and replenishing supplies, and budget.