5-06/120.05 - Notifications

Upon receipt of an emergency or disaster warning, the SCC Watch Commander shall immediately notify the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.  The SHB shall be responsible for notifying the following:

  • Sheriff;
  • Undersheriff;
  • Assistant Sheriff(s);
  • EOB Commander;
  • All Division Chiefs and Commanders;
  • Reserve Forces Bureau Commander; and
  • Communications and Fleet Management Commander

The SCC Watch Commander shall, if time permits, obtain authorization from the Sheriff or his designate to activate the Emergency Alerting System.  If an immediate activation is required, the Watch Commander shall determine the appropriate method to transmit the information, i.e., voice, digital or video and send the information.  The digital mode of EAS is referred to as "ENN," the Electronic News Network.  This system provides a direct link to the media, large businesses and schools.  It is a test message that can be rapidly assimilated into the media format and retransmitted to the public.  The system should be secondary to voice messages that are emergent in nature.  It is the purpose of the Emergency Alerting System to promptly disseminate emergency and disaster information and instructions to the public.  The SCC Watch Commander shall follow the procedures as enumerated in the current County of Los Angeles Local Emergency Alerting System Plan.