5-06/110.50 - Crisis Negotiations Teams

A Crisis Negotiator is available on a 24-hour basis by contacting the Special Enforcement Bureau desk.

A Crisis Negotiator will respond to all hostage and barricaded suspect incidents when a Special Weapons Team is requested.  A Crisis Negotiator may also be requested for any other situation requiring crisis communications, as determined by the Incident Commander.

Upon arrival, the Crisis Negotiations Team Leader will report to the Incident Commander.  The Crisis Negotiations Team will deploy at the request of the Incident Commander and will operate under his direction and within Department guidelines.

Team members do not, within the scope of their duties, make decisions regarding hostages, suspects, deployment, or operational tactics.  Such decisions remain the responsibility of the Incident Commander.

Team members are qualified, however, to determine the most appropriate technique of negotiation and will do so, subject to review by the Incident Commander.