5-06/110.30 - Command Responsibility

The Incident Commander is responsible for the actions of the members of this Department and the outcome of the situation.  All Department personnel at the scene shall be subject to his control and shall respond to his directions.

The Deputy in charge should not automatically relinquish control to a superior, nor should the superior assume control until each is certain that all available information relating to the incident is thoroughly explained, understood and, to the maximum extent possible, all personnel understand that command and control are being passed, and to whom.  The superior cannot, of course, hesitate to take control immediately if he deems that action is necessary or desirable.

With respect to incidents occurring in custody facilities, it is preferable that the Incident Commander be a member of the involved facility because these types of situations require specific knowledge unique to custodial settings.

The passing of command is critical and shall establish the position of Incident Commander.  The process shall take place at the Deputy/Sergeant exchange and every other exchange through the appropriate ranks, as deemed necessary by the circumstances of the situation, with the following being observed:

  • The person relinquishing command shall be responsible for thoroughly briefing his successor;
  • The person relinquishing command shall specifically state to his successor, "Are you now assuming control?" and
  • Await an affirmative reply.