5-06/110.10 - Operational and Tactical Considerations

A hostage or barricaded suspect situation can be one of the most operationally sensitive situations faced by members of this Department.  A strong command position, as well as strict discipline on the part of all Deputies, is absolutely essential.

Although the presence of a hostage is a complicating factor in a barricaded suspect incident, the initial procedures and tactical considerations are similar.

The concepts commonly referred to as the six “C”s -- COMMAND, CONTAIN, CONTROL, COMMUNICATE, COORDINATE, and CONTINGENCY - shall serve as a guide for all personnel involved.

Tactical incidents commonly share characteristics which must be constantly evaluated and, in most cases, analyzed to ensure a successful conclusion and enhance officer safety in future similar events.  A seventh “C” - CRITIQUE - is equally important and shall be performed at the conclusion of any tactical incident.

The Incident Commander must be aware that it is critical to share relevant information with leaders of other groups deployed at the scene of a tactical operation.  By doing this the best decisions can be made and surprising or endangering personnel with a sudden, unannounced action can be avoided.