5-06/110.00 - Hostage and Barricaded Suspect

A hostage is any person seized or kidnapped by another, where the perpetrator threatens the life of or threatens great bodily injury to the person held, with the intent to evade arrest, escape, obtain the release of persons in custody, obtain monies or property, or attain any other objective(s).

In hostage situations, the Department shall make every effort to effect the safe release of the hostage and to arrest the suspect.  This shall be done while safeguarding the lives of all persons to the maximum extent possible.

In general, the suspect shall not be allowed to escape, with or without the hostage.  Immunity shall not be granted, nor shall ransom be paid to neutralize a hostage situation.

No consideration shall be given to allow an inmate holding a Department employee hostage to escape under any circumstances from a custody facility, detention area, or prisoner transportation vehicle.  Any exception to this policy must be personally approved by the Sheriff, Undersheriff, or appointed Assistant Sheriff.