5-06/050.25 - Night Field Operations

In any rescue operation during the hours of darkness wherein the location of the victim is exact or approximate and an extensive search is not anticipated, the Incident Commander shall initiate a rescue attempt immediately, utilizing whatever manpower or equipment is available.

Search operations for a victim whose exact location is not known, but information indicates an approximate area, shall be commenced at the discretion of the Incident Commander.

If a victim is missing in a vast area and no workable information is available as to the approximate location, the Incident Commander may postpone any intensive searching until the area is illuminated sufficiently to eliminate hazard to the searchers.

If a search operation is postponed or is not to begin until daybreak, a standby crew shall consist of at least one regular Deputy and at least one Deputy who is medically qualified to the level of EMT-I or above.  The standby crew shall provide continuity and control at the scene between the time of initial notification and the actual beginning of the search operation.  The crew shall make sure that any family or friends of the victim at the location are made aware that the Department has not abandoned the search.

No attempt shall be made to set forth actual tactical procedures for use by the rescue groups.   Latitude in the methods and means utilized shall be at the discretion of the Incident Commander.