5-06/050.20 - Warning and Mobilizing Reserves

A "warning" places a Reserve group or any member of the group alerted on a standby status.  They shall remain available until the warning is cancelled by the warning authority or until the group is mobilized.  Warning calls shall be made to the group leader or to the call man designated for the group.  The person contacted shall be given as much information as possible regarding the operation and what might be expected of the group.  Warnings shall be cancelled as soon as feasible when actual mobilization appears to be unnecessary.

The group leader, or call-man, shall be responsible for notifying his group of the warning, for determining how many group members are able to respond, and for informing the warning authority of the number of personnel available if mobilized.

When a call to mobilize is given, the following information shall be relayed to the group leader or call man by the warning authority:

  • Nature of the operation and pertinent data on the victim;
  • Location of logistics headquarters or base camp;
  • Number of personnel and equipment needed;
  • Name of logistics officer in charge or Incident Commander to whom the group shall report; and
  • Transportation available to the group, if needed.