5-06/040.25 - Deployment of Noise/Flash Diversionary Devices

Noise/flash diversionary devices (NFDD) are less lethal weapons used to facilitate an effective resolution to assaultive or high risk situations where disorienting or moving an individual or group of people, to effect an arrest or clear an area, is desired.

A Stingball Grenade is a NFDD which explodes to disperse small rubber balls, accompanied by a loud noise and bright flash designed to disorient subjects.

A Flashbang Grenade is a NFDD which explodes with a loud noise and bright flash designed to disorient subjects but does not disperse projectiles.

Personnel using NFDD should avoid throwing grenades directly at individuals, in order to reduce the potential for flash burns or permanent hearing loss to the intended target when the grenade explodes.  Use of these grenades in flammable environments is prohibited due to the high temperatures generated during deflagration, and their use in areas with combustible materials must be carefully considered to avoid fire.

Personnel using NFDD grenades must wear suitable eye and hand protection while handling or throwing grenades.