5-06/040.20 - 12 Gauge Stunbag Weapons

The StunBag uses a less lethal “bean bag” round that is designed to be launched from a conventional 12 gauge shotgun.  Only distinctively marked StunBag shotguns shall be used for the delivery of these rounds.  These shotguns are to be stored in specially designated, department approved cases.

A StunBag shotgun shall be carried in a patrol vehicle assigned to general field law enforcement or traffic unit if one is available.

Authorized personnel carrying a StunBag shotgun shall inspect the weapon as they would a regular duty shotgun (check firing pin, etc.).  Once the weapon passes inspection, it shall be carried with the slide forward with the barrel chamber empty, safety on, and loaded with four authorized StunBag rounds in the magazine tube.

Under no circumstances shall these weapons be loaded with buckshot or rifled slug duty ammunition.

Minimum range for the Stunbag is 30 feet.  Firing the Stunbag under the minimum distance may cause projectile penetration.

The intended target zone for a StunBag bean bag is low center mass unless the situation dictates otherwise.  The user shall not target the head or neck area when confronted with less than life threatening situations.