5-06/030.05 - Tactical Operations

Department resources shall be deployed to accomplish specific objectives identified early in the planning phase.  Resources shall be deployed in platoon size strengths with the squad as the smallest element for mission tasking.

Tactical objectives may include:

  • Containment to confine the disorder to the smallest possible area;
  • Isolation to prevent growth of the disorder by cordoning off the area and denying access to those individuals who are not involved; and
  • Dispersal to disperse the crowd and take appropriate law enforcement action against law violators.

Prior to the demobilization phase of a tactical operation, a demobilization plan should be written.  In order to accomplish an organized and controlled demobilization, specific tasks must be accomplished.  The plan may contain, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Controlled opening of traffic control points;
  • Controlled return of evacuees;
  • Assignment and accounting for all reports;
  • Assignment of investigators (if immediate investigation is required);
  • Accounting for all personnel and equipment;
  • Accounting for all time spent, straight time and overtime;
  • Return of personnel and equipment; and
  • Completion of an after action report.

Field response supervisory personnel shall complete the "Supervisor's Report on Special Operations" for each shift worked.  The platoon commander shall be responsible for the collection of the reports from his Sergeants.  The platoon commander shall determine that all reports are accounted for, and that all relevant information is included.  The platoon commander shall also complete the "Supervisor's Report on Special Operations" summarizing the information contained in the Sergeants' reports.  The Sergeants' reports and attachments shall then be attached to complete the package.

The Department Incident Commander shall assign an individual(s) to complete the after action report.

Refer to EOP 4-4 for more information.