5-06/020.65 - Law Enforcement Mutual Aid

The Emergency Operations Bureau (EOB) is responsible for maintaining a County-wide directory of law enforcement mutual aid resources, and shall act as the Department's coordinator for the execution of such aid.  Additionally, EOB will act as primary staff for the Area Commanders or Assistant Sheriffs responding to mutual aid requests.

  • The authority to deploy personnel and equipment within Los Angeles County in response to law enforcement mutual aid requests rests with the appropriate Area Commander, or the Department Duty Commander or higher rank; or
  • The authority to deploy personnel and equipment outside County in response to law enforcement mutual aid requests rests with the Assistant Sheriff(s), or higher rank.

Nothing in this section is intended to restrict Watch Commanders from providing immediate assistance to neighboring cities in critical or life threatening situations.

Independent city police departments in the County are to direct any requests for emergency or other mutual aid assistance to designated Stations/Units (refer to section 5-06/140.00).

When a request for law enforcement emergency mutual aid is received at any Station/Unit that exceeds, or is likely to exceed, the resources available at that Station/Unit, or adversely impact that Station's/Unit’s normal operations, EOB shall assist in coordinating the Department's response.  EOB should be notified in any instance when a request for assistance is beyond the scope of routine or day-to-day police services.

When notified of a pending request, EOB shall immediately gather information from the Station/Unit Watch Commander and the concerned agency describing the type and nature of the incident, identifying the following:

  • The exact location and the law enforcement jurisdiction of the incident.  The name, rank and telephone number of the person making the request;
    • Independent cities will be advised that they are required to commit their own emergency resources to the incident prior to requesting assistance;
  • The nature and intensity of the incident;
    • If the incident involves civil disobedience, disturbance, or riot, the stated or implied intent of the participants, and/or any incident causal factors should be included;
  • An assessment of what action or response is being requested from our Department;
    • Include a candid appraisal of any damage or injury that is likely to occur in the absence of an increased law enforcement response;
  • An estimation of the personnel and equipment needed to accomplish the requested action;
  • The number of on-duty uniform personnel and equipment available to respond from our Department, or if appropriate, other police agencies;
  • Location(s) of appropriate staging areas for responding personnel and equipment,
  • Location or site of the incident command post; and
  • The identity of the concerned Station/Unit Watch Commander and of the requesting/participating agency's Incident Commander(s) and liaison officers.

The EOB Commander will recommend a plan of action, detailing an orderly and coordinated response to the concerned Area Commander, Department Duty Commander, or other executives as required for approval and implementation.

Upon implementation of the Department's response plan, EOB will continue to monitor the deployment of personnel and equipment, evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and serve as liaison between the Department Incident Commander and the requesting/participating agency.

Requests for a Department Special Weapons Team, Search & Rescue Team, aircraft or other routine general law enforcement services need not be referred to the Emergency Operations Bureau for coordination.

The Emergency Operations Bureau may be reached 24 hours a day through the Sheriff's Communications Center, or Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau, by requesting the EOB duty officer.