5-06/020.40 - Utilization of Sheriff's Reserve Deputies

The utilization of Sheriff's Reserves must take into consideration their level of training and unique capabilities.  Specialized Reserve personnel such as trained Search and Rescue Team members, Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians are of significant value to Department operations during emergencies, when identified and utilized appropriately.  All available Reserve personnel must be used effectively, in keeping with their capabilities and supervision requirements, to help sustain required service levels during emergencies.

As their availability is determined, the field Stations/Units should integrate their Reserves into the Unit's operations and into any tactical field forces as may be appropriate.  The use and availability of Reserves should be reported to the Department's Operations Center, or County Emergency Operations Center, when activated, along with the availability of regular Station/Unit personnel.  Other Units not fully committed to extraordinary, or tactical operations are directed to report the availability of their Reserve personnel to the Logistics Section, Personnel Branch, of either the Department's Operations Center, or the County's Emergency Operations Center, when activated, for optimum utilization.