Unit Commanders are required to create and maintain civilian personnel utilization plans for use under emergency conditions.
Uniformed and non-uniformed civilian staff members represent a substantial segment of our available personnel. Used appropriately, and in keeping with their capabilities, limitations and supervision requirements, they remain a valuable resource in extraordinary conditions.
Administrative, or non-field personnel, may be oriented to participate in Station/Unit EOC Operations, serve as auxiliary desk personnel, supplemental public information officers and/or perform a variety of other essential, non-hazardous services. Field orientated uniformed civilians may be utilized to augment traffic control posts, Station/Unit security, staging area staffing, logistics support, courier services and other important support functions.
As part of the civilian staff utilization planning, civilian MOU's need to be referenced for special conditions that may impact individual employee classifications regarding "out of classification" restrictions, overtime compensation, adjustment of service hours and other provisions/restrictions when operating under emergency conditions. In all cases when extraordinary or emergency conditions exist, any utilization of civilian personnel must remain within the scope, and/or a logical extension, of their normal duties and responsibilities. Their assignment to emergency related duties must include approval and concurrence of the Unit Commander of their Unit of assignment and remain under the guidance and supervision of sworn members of the Department.
Civilian personnel absences shall be handled in the following manner: