5-06/020.25 - Mobilization Phase IV

Phase IV requires total mobilization of the Department.

Manpower and equipment may be drawn from the entire Department.  Personnel shall be placed on a 12-hour schedule.

The EOC Team Chief will remain the Department Incident Commander during a Phase IV mobilization.  It is critical to note that the County Emergency Operations Center will, in most cases, have been activated.  Upon the activation of the County EOC, the EOC Team Chief will assume the position of DDEO and his chief of staff (a Commander) will take command of the DOC.  Appropriate state and federal agencies will be advised by the DOC, or County EOC, of the emergency and the potential need for assistance, and coordinated by the DOC/EOC if such assistance is requested.  Events requiring a Phase IV mobilization will surely be multi-agency/multi-discipline in nature and County-wide management will be critical.