5-06/020.15 - Mobilization Phase II

Phase II is in effect when the condition escalates beyond the capabilities of the initial response Units of Phase I.

Phase II provides for complete mobilization of:

  • Emergency Operations Bureau;
  • Special Enforcement Bureau; and
  • Designated Stations/Units, facilities and support Units.

If appropriate, notify/activate the above resources.

The Incident Commander will be the Area or Duty Commander.  The Incident Commander shall be responsible for:

  • Activation of Department Operations Center (partial);
  • Requesting additional personnel and equipment from the field units;
  • Requesting assistance from Department support and specialized Units and from other County departments, as needed;
  • Making situation reports to the Chief of the concerned Division;
  • Determining the appropriate times for shift changes for field personnel and advising the Units supplying personnel at these times; and
  • Alerting the remaining Stations/Units which have not been notified and placing them on standby, as needed.

The concerned Division Chief, the Department Incident Commander or the EOC Team Chief, shall make the decision to enter Mobilization Phase III.