5-06/020.10 - Mobilization Phase I

Phase I shall include the following on-duty personnel:

  • Emergency Operations Bureau;
  • Special Enforcement Bureau;
  • Responsible Station/Unit or facility; and
  • Adjacent Stations/Units or designated Department facilities.

The Incident Commander will be the Captain or designated Watch Commander of the responsible Station/Unit or facility.  He shall make situation reports to his supervisor and, if necessary, request assistance from on-duty personnel of the Special Enforcement Bureau and/or the adjacent Stations/Units.  He shall also notify the Emergency Operations Bureau and make plans to place all alerted Station/Unit or facility personnel on standby status and begin a special log of the emergency.

The concerned Division Chief shall determine if an Area Command Team should be deployed based on the size, complexity or intensity of the incident.  This should be in advance of Phase II.  It shall be the responsibility of the concerned Area Commander to make situation reports to major executives of the Department and to determine the need for additional personnel and equipment.  He shall contact the concerned Division Chief, who will determine whether to place field personnel on alert and when to enter Mobilization Phase II.

Unit Commanders who receive requests for assistance should dispatch units as prescribed in the Tactical Alert Phase.  The concerned Unit Commanders shall utilize available Station/Unit detective and Reserve personnel to supplement the field units, and, depending on the nature of the incident, shall prepare to place their Station/Unit personnel on a 12-hour schedule.

Unit Commanders who have not received a request for assistance but who have been notified of the emergency shall prepare to dispatch available personnel to the emergency.  They shall also make plans to place their Station/Unit patrol personnel on a 12-hour schedule, if the incident will require their resources for an extended period.