5-05/050.15 - Traffic Collision Report - Property Damage Only (CHP-555-03)

A traffic or non-traffic collision which occurs within a contract city shall be documented on a Traffic Collision Report - Property Damage Only (CHP-555-03) form when the collision involves:

  • No injuries;
  • No public property;
  • No anticipated prosecution; one or two parties (The CHP 555-Page 1 and Page 2 may be used if there are more than two parties.  Enter "Property Damage Only" in the top margin of Page 1).

Property Damage Only reports shall be completed in the field and copies distributed to the involved parties.  When more than two parties are involved, the parties should be advised to obtain a copy of the report at the station/unit.

A Property Damage Only report shall be completed as outlined in the California Highway Patrol Collision Investigation Manual.  The report shall also include the following:

  • Area of Impact (AOI) measurements (optional on private property);
  • Sketch;
  • Statements, cause, and major items of evidence (such as paint transfer and skidmarks).